Zero to hero! Many times as a pastor I have heard several questions and statements like, “I can never have as much bible knowledge as the pastors.” Or how about this one, “I wish I knew the bible like you do.” “How do you have a bible reference for everything?” Here is the answer: I read (active present tense) the Bible. That’s it.
Please listen carefully. I am not a bible know-it-all. I love God’s Word! When people hear Pastor Nick, they don’t think "What a great theologian". I am not a big name in any movement. I just love God and I am trying to serve Him the best as my feeble mind knows how to. For sure, I’m not a James MacDonald, John Macarthur, Jay Adams or Paul Tripp. So how do you go from zero to hero? How can you get from a Saul to a Paul? How did any great bible characters become great? The answer is so simple: They pray and spend much time with God. Our mega church leaders today didn’t start off with the knowledge that they are blessed with today. Strong Christian men don’t just read words on a page. To us, the bible is alive, interesting and relevant today. Proverbs 1:20(ESV) “Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice”. Wisdom is not for a select few. Wisdom cries out openly in public places and does so loudly. 2 Tim. 3:16 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness”.
I really don’t understand why we try and measure our Bible knowledge against anyone else. Why are you competing like this? Who are you competing against? It really doesn’t matter where you are at in your spiritual walk. You can always grow in the Lord. Trust me, we will spend eternity marveling at God and all of His creation. I am not perfect. I do not have every doctrine/theological question outlined in my bible. My understanding of Scripture will not be the same 20 years from now. I want to grow and experience life the way God intended it to be for me. I want to study scripture and learn what great men before me have written. This is how we grow. I read my bible, I pray and I try to apply every piece of Scripture to my life (personally). That’s it for now. You are loved.